С. Широка


The article analyzes the principles of studying the phenomenon of value management, which makes it possible to reveal its essence, structural elements, functions, as well as to investigate its nature and place in the system of relations. Thus, value management is considered from the standpoint of economic theory, socio-psychological research, linguistic and praxeological approach. The features, structural elements, functions are singled out, the interpretative field of research is outlined. The role of value management in the process of self-identification of participants of economic relations is emphasized. The existence of certain moral, axiological and creative potential of value management has been found out. It is defined as a dynamic system of material and spiritual values, norms and stereotypes of behavior that are inherent to the employees of the organization at all levels of its hierarchy, are transmitted by policy and traditional methods, form the image of the organization and its members, and in a certain way influence the nature of the realization of its goals. It acts as a complex social phenomenon, that in some way organizes industrial relations as a specific mode of socially significant activity. Value management performs a coordinating role due to established norms and standards of organizational behavior, the main values in the organizational environment. The study of the interpretation field, the structure and options for the introduction of value management in business relations can contribute to a significant deepening of the understanding of the essence of man and society economic life.

It is noted that the problem of value management in business communication is one of the most important among those that are actualized in the course of modern civilizational transformations. This phenomenon is inseparable from the sociodynamic processes of realization of expedient activity of people, which finds expression in the multifaceted orientation of social practice and occupational employment. In the conditions of development of the main directions of a market economy in Ukraine and the expansion of international relations, value management acts as a sociocultural basis for the sustainable development of organizations and as a factor that optimizes socially meaningful activity, promotes the adaptation and positioning of an individual or collective in the system of economic relations.


value management, organizational culture, value, norm, identity, communication

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