Лариса Сергіївна Тарасюк


This article investigates the theme of human being to human being relations and the display of constructive or destructive forms of man and woman relations. The investigated problem is examined in the plane of androgyny culture and its modi. Modern society needs a quite different level of relations, the one that makes us human. Development of modern society puts imperatives to us that pseudo-culture, which is quite often offered to us, cannot provide. The degree of spiritual culture development is determined by people’s spiritual values development, by many-sidedness and multiplicity of spiritual potential forms realization. Main sense of such a culture is disclosed in self-expression and reflection. Development of culture is impossible without confirmation of its values on the personal level, which gives the ability to put into effect potential of uniqueness, unrepeatedness of one’s individuality, creation of qualitatively new relationships, new models of cooperation and partnership. In today’s world, human being’s self-knowledge is deepening, it includes new and new spheres of investigation, therefore relations between people, relations between genders become a new, little studied plane. Inwardly and personally rethinking manifestations of male and female energies, their interaction, aware of their work in themselves, a person can rise to a more qualitative level of being in the space of the relation to human being, gender, world, to God. Interpersonal relations are our culture of relationships, which must be human. Today, there is a plurality of pathological forms of interpersonal relationships that destroy not only communication but also the internal world of personality. Culture provides an opportunity to show all the best in a person, which is revealed through the partnership of men and women in various forms. Modern society is striving for a completely different culture of relations that could satisfy all soul and spiritual needs through humanity. Thus, people do not need to be satisfied and choose among various simulacrum that pseudo-culture offers today. Consequently, spiritual culture, which functions as a holistic entity and forms the socio-spiritual phenomenon, is an important element of society’s spiritual life. First-hand, a human being, a personality is the subject of the spiritual life of society. The whole system of purposeful activity should be aimed at creating diverse conditions for self-realization of human being’s spiritual potential, creative self-regulation, disclosure of human’s qualities and creation of new spiritual guidance.


androgyny culture; culture; society; human being; man; woman


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