Серій Ілліч Доценко


The purpose of this study is to compare methods of self-organization for two forms of cybernetic systems, namely: intelligent systems based on the theory of functional systems, as organized whole; automated control systems. Each of these systems can be divided into two parts. Moreover, for intelligent systems, the problem of self-organization is posed as the problem of determining the principle of combining the selected parts into an organized whole. It has been established that the principle of such a combination is the dialectical connection between the results of the tasks being solved in each of the parts. The dialectical connection is realized in the form of a dialectical unity of the concepts of “general” and “single”. It is proposed to consider this principle of combining parts of the intellectual system as the principle of heuristic dialectic self-organization. At the same time, automated control systems are characterized by the division of the system into two parts, namely: the human operator; management object. However, with this approach, each of these parts is considered separately. Therefore, for each of the parts it is proposed to determine its own principle of self-organization. In the course of the study, it was proposed to move on to establishing the principle of self-organization for parts of the intellectual system. At the same time, it is proposed to change the method for solving this problem. If for automated systems it is proposed to first determine the characteristic signs of activity and to propose appropriate heuristics for their processing, then for intelligent systems it is proposed to recognize the principle of heuristic self-organization as a dialectical unity of concepts. The principle of dialectical unity of the concepts of “common” and “single” is proposed to be used to study the mechanisms of self-organization of activities to solve problems in the relevant parts of the intellectual system. The first part of the intellectual system that solves the problem of implementing the established project of the future result is technological activity. An important circumstance, this activity is also divided by us into organizational and technological. It is clear that any process should be organized. Internally. Since we have already chosen the principle of heuristic self-organization, it remains to establish the characteristic features for this form of activity. To reveal the content of factors for this form of activity, we have chosen the concept of “process” and “resource”. Based on this, four forms of factors were established, and dialectic pairs of these factors were formed, for which a model architecture was established for the factor representation of the project of the future result of activity. Studying the technological activities for the implementation of the established project of the future result, we actually solved the problem of forming a model for the project of the future result, which is the result of solving the first problem and is the basis for solving the second problem. It should also be noted that the development of intelligent production control systems for Industry 4.0 is impossible outside the theory of intelligent systems, which in turn is based on the principles of heuristic self-organization.


intelligence; knowledge; system; cybernetics, heuristics, self-organization


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