Mykola Ivanovych Fedorenko


The subject of the research presented in the article is neural network modules (NNMs), which are used to solve problems in the practice of diagnosing diseases in urology. This work aims to develop a mathematical model for generating a multitude of uroflowmetric parameters, in particular, graphs of uroflowrograms of the required volume, used as input data for NNM training. Objective: to develop a mathematical model for the formation of uroflowmetric parameters using a probabilistic approach based on a uniform "white noise". To develop an effective algorithm for the procedure for generating new parameter values and tools for its implementation. Methods used: NNM training methods, mathematical modeling methods, digital signal processing methods, tools for generating and processing random numerical sequences, digital data filtering methods. The following results were obtained: when creating and implementing a mathematical model for generating a large amount of training data, the requirements of randomness are taken into account when obtaining new values of uroflowmetric parameters. And at the same time, the obtained noise values are filtered to values of a given range, which are percentage-wise comparable to the amplitude value of the uroflowmetric parameter. Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the results is as follows: the NNM training method for recognizing diseases in urology has been improved by developing a mathematical model to generate uroflowmetric parameters for NNM training. The presented model allows you to create the necessary amount of data for training neural network modules in the course of experimental research on the recognition of diseases. The generation of uroflowmetric parameters is based on adding noise to the parameter values. This allows you to change the input data of the NNM training in a given range. This ensures the creation of the required input volume of the NNM training procedure. In the future, this contributes to the testing process of trained neural network modules with reliable information on the diagnosis of diseases in urology.


uroflowmetric parameters; graph of the uroflowrogram; normal noise; neural network modules; training of neural network modules; diagnosis of diseases

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