Анатолий Данилович Егоров, Вадим Анатольевич Егоров, Сергей Анатольевич Егоров, Игорь Ентович Синельников, Михаил Федорович Бабаков


The subject matter of the publication is the improvement of equipment and methods of atomic emission spectral analysis for use in laboratory and industrial practice. The goal is the author's development of a multisensor camera for recording optical spectra based on TCD1304AP TOSHIBA type TCD1304AP devices and research methods. The tasks to be solved are: developing and creating a multisensor optical spectra registration camera suitable for use in laboratory and workshop conditions working in conjunction with industry-issued spectrographs of various optical schemes, as well as developing methods for controlling temperature and linearity of the light-transmitting signal characteristics. The following results were obtained: The development of a multisensory spectral camera. Disclosed circuit design and design features of the developed camera. The used hardware and functional diagram are described. The light-signal characteristic of photodetectors has been studied in conjunction with the problems of spectral analysis. Experimental studies of the dark current and nonlinearities of the transfer function of the detector have been performed. Several methods for determining the temperature of a photodetector without the use of special thermal sensors are presented. A method for estimating nonlinearities according to the feasibility of the law of reciprocity of the spectral line brightness and the duration of exposure is given. The expediency of using the law of reciprocity for estimation the linearity of the light-signal transfer function of photodetectors are shown. Conclusions. As the result of comparing studies of other authors with our works, the violation of the law of reciprocity of the spectral line brightness and the duration of exposure was discovered not only at high but also at low signal levels. The reasons for deviations from the linearity of the light-signal characteristics at low levels of illumination are revealed. The methods of dealing with blooming when registering strong lines are proposed. The developed equipment and research results are used by the authors in laboratory practice at several industrial enterprises in Ukraine


CCD; dark current; reciprocity law; linearity of the light-signal transfer function; TCD1304AP


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