Серій Ілліч Доценко


The five principles of self-organization of cybernetic systems are formed in classical cybernetics in the form of two hypotheses of N. Wiener and three hypotheses of W. R. Ashby. The main attention in the development of the theory of a functional system is given to its analysis as an integral unit, and the formation on its basis of the theories of intelligent systems. At the same time, no attention was left to the study of the principle of the mechanism for ensuring compliance with the result obtained and the project established for it. The conformity mechanism, which is formed as part of a functional system, is implemented on the basis of the principle of self-organization of the functional system’s activity at the stage of a future result project’s implementation through double sequential feedback through the “Action Results Acceptor” mechanism. Based on this principle, it is possible to formulate the law of self-organization of an intellectual system in the following form. For functional self-organization of an intelligent system based on a mechanism to ensure compliance with the result of an activity and its project, it is necessary to include an “Acceptor of an action result” in the feedback loop to match the result of an action, a project of a future result of an action, and a management team. The principles of self-organization formed in classical cybernetics turned out to be elements of the clarified single principle of the self-organization of functional systems activity. In this work, it was realized that the meaning of knowledge about the functional systems in the theory and the theory of dialogue control systems of two successive feedback loops and the mechanism of their combination in the “Acceptor of the results of action” was realized. It is thanks to these contours that the principle of functional self-organization of activities is implemented, the founders of classical cybernetics so stubbornly sought and from which they abandoned technical cybernetics. The task of the formation of the goal of the activity can be solved by knowing the mechanism of the formation of the project of a future result based on heuristic self-organization for physiological and cybernetic systems. The solution to this problem will ensure the formation of "smart things" in Industry 5.0. After all, “smart things” should be “intelligent”


self-organization; cybernetics; principles; laws of self-organization


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