Ніна Георгіївна Кучук, Вікторія Юріївна Мерлак


In connection with the popularization of the use of IT technologies, traditional teaching methods are increasingly changing e-learning approaches. E-learning is a learning system using information and electronic technologies. E-learning on a hyperconvergent platform can be viewed as a complex organizational hierarchical system, which the article considers as a kind of mathematical object. However, the resources of the e-learning system are limited and for its successful implementation, there is a need to ensure its maximum use at all levels of the system. So, as an essential element of the entire system, there must be a rapid redistribution of resources of the university e-learning system on a hyperconvergent platform. The authors of the article analyzed the existing problems of systems with a hierarchical structure and possible solutions to these problems. The paper discusses the sets of goals and objectives facing the governing bodies of the hierarchical system and are presented as a set of graphs of system goals and objectives. It was found that the process of achieving the main goal of the system poses external obstacles that are mainly situational in nature and not stochastic. And so before the governing bodies of management, there are many objects and tasks to eliminate deviations. At the upper level of management of the hierarchical system is the management of a hyperconvergent structure, at the lower level of management is the management of e-learning widgets. The subject of the research is the electronic educational resources of university e-learning. The aim of the article is to develop a method for the rapid redistribution of e-learning resources on a hyperconvergent platform. Findings. The article proposes a method for constructing a graphical model of the process of functioning of the university e-learning system, deployed on a hyperconvergent platform, based on the problems and goals of analyzing the structure of the system. A graph of consensus goals and objectives was created that considers learning resources available. A method for allocating resources of various types was also proposed. To assess the effectiveness of the resource allocation process, the “validity” criterion was chosen and a probability indicator was calculated.


e-learning; hierarchical structure; widgets


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