Г. В. Мигаль, Ю. С. Виходець


The article is devoted to the problem of reducing the risks of accidents and safety improvement in the system "driver-vehicle-road." It was found that a significant reason for a large number of road accidents in Ukraine is a systemic contradiction in training process between the structure (organization) of training for drivers and professional features they get. To provide an effective quality management for drivers training the authors have elaborated scientific foundation based on the concept of individualization, and a system model that describes the impact of changes in the business model and corporate architecture to training needs. The technique of educational process organization for drivers training was improved taking into account the individual's physiological characteristics and cognitive capabilities. The recommendations for educational process improvement are given.


driver training, individualization of education, education structure, cognitive activity, stressbiologically active point of skin, heart rate variability, myocardial signature signal.


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