Н. Д. Кошевой, И. И. Кошевая, Л. Г. Раскин


The method for synthesizing optimal plan for cost and time-consuming in full factorial experiment based on the use of Gray code were developed. It allows to search without a complete sort out of all the permutations of options. The catalog of optimal plans of full factorial experiment for a number of factors from 2 to 5 was formed. Check the performance of this method was carried out by the example of research in fiber angle converter into a digital code, and the technological process of manufacturing detail by hot stamping. Optimum plans of the experiment in cost and time-consuming were studied for these objects. It was proved that the sequence of the rows in increasing number of factors levels change must correspond to the sequence of factors in decreasing of cost by changing the levels of the factors.


optimal plan of full factorial experiment, Gray code, plans catalog


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