Антон Александрович Букарев, Виктор Александрович Лесной, Александр Петрович Кислицын


The article describes the developed and tested luminous flux modulator (LFM). LFM is designed to identify and study the dynamic distortions of optoelectronic devices (OED) with high temporal resolution. Such OED are capable to register optical radiation at fast processes (for example: pulse action of ionic beams, laser influence, electric discharges).

The basis of the LFM's work is the mechanical principle of modulation, which makes it possible to preserve the shape of the optical signal with controlled changes in the duration of the optical signal. In addition, the applied LFM scheme allows a change in the spectral composition of optical radiation

In the implemented device, the optical signal has a trapezoidal shape, which makes it possible to determine quite simply the quantities that characterize the dynamic distortions of the OED (transient response, relaxation time, etc.).

The modulator allows you to adjust the duration of trapezoidal optical pulses in the range from 0.69 ms (t1) to 0.11 ms (t2). In this case, the duration of the front and the cut are, respectively, τF1 = 54.8 μs and τC1 = 65.7 μs for t1; τF2 = 8.73 μs and τC2 = 10.5 μs for t2.

The LFM was tested using OED based on a photoelectric multiplier (PMT), which, as is known, is considered to be a high-speed optical receiver. The experiment was carried out in two modes of operation of the power amplifier: in quasi-static and in dynamic modes. In quasi-static mode, with a controllably longer duration of the optical pulse (>> 1 s) and no dynamics of the process, the true form of the optical signal was obtained. In the dynamic mode, a signal was recorded whose shape is distorted with respect to the quasi-static signal, which indicates the presence of dynamic distortions.

The received result testifies to the efficiency of the luminous flux modulator, allows to register and study the dynamic distortions of optoelectronic devices.


luminous flux modulator; dynamic distortion; optoelectronic devices


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