Артем Викторович Проскочило, Михаил Сергеевич Зряхов, Андрей Васильевич Воробьев, Артем Аркадьевич Акулиничев


A method for increasing the load balancing efficiency in telecommunication IP-networks using locally-dynamic models of router that allows to estimate traffic parameters for traffic allocation (volume and type of flow, stationarity, coefficient of channel use, state and network operation modes) is proposed. For estimation of effectiveness of the proposed load balancing in conditions of varying intensity and probability-time traffic characteristics the simulation of simple IP-based network is done. The load balancing efficiency is evaluated by coefficient of network (channels) use. Analysis of the coefficient of network use shows significant increasing of this criterion by not less than 15% in comparison to standard mechanisms of load balancing by equal cost routes.


routing, load balancing; QoS; locally-dynamic model; method of increasing the efficiency


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