И. И. Редин, М. А. Шевченко


The analysis of the influence of annular grooves on the flow in the compressor rotor air gas channel and the axial compressor characteristics as well as on the fuel efficiency of the gas turbine engine is presented. The hypothetical mechanism of the flow effect in the cavity of the annular groove on the main flow in the tip end of the blade air-foil of the axial compressor stage is outlined. The effectiveness of the casing treatment in the form of single annular groove, width is 20% of the axial projection of the chord of the tip end section of the blade is shown experimentally in a single-stage and multi-stage axial compressor system. The increase of the compressor efficiency with ten single annular grooves installed above the leading edges of the blades of each stage, has reduced the specific fuel consumption of the serial GTE in its main operating modes.


annular groove casing treatment; fuel efficiency; radial clearance flow; gas – dynamic stability; axial compressor


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