А. Г. Гребеников, В. П. Люшнин, Т. Б. Богачева, Л. А. Мальков


In the modern world, the task of rapid delivery of goods and passengers between cities and countries is an urgent task. The "atmospheric" transport system is proposed as an alternative to the Hyperloop vacuum system in the form of an air cushion vehicle moving at a speed of 500 km / h over an overpass with an arch cover. Structurally, the device is designed as a cargo option for the rapid delivery of sea containers, and in the passenger version. The design of the device is simplified, and the risks associated with depressurization in a vacuum environment are excluded. The proposed transport is environmentally friendly and not dependent on the weather conditions of the environment. Methods are described that allow to determine the characteristics of air cushions, the parameters of the vehicle's movement along a curved path, as well as traction and energy indicators. Calculations are made on a concrete example.


transport; container; cargo; passengers; delivery; speed; air cushion; trestle; calculation methods


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32620/oikit.2018.81.04


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