Г. В. Мигаль


The article is devoted to the analysis the problem of the viability of complex dynamic systems and the search of unified means of its research. Viability indicators most fully reflect the features of the functioning of systems in difficult conditions. At the same time, the main reasons of the viability reduction of modern ergatic systems are problems of unpredictability the human-machine interaction. They result by individual features of the functioning of elements of system, for the analysis of which a variety of noninterconnected parameters, indicators and criteria are used. The issues of unification of means of obtaining, processing and displaying information flows of various nature and determining the nature of their interrelations become dominant at ensuring the safety of ergatic system functioning at difficult conditions. To solve them, it is necessary to evince the dynamic structure of information flows, for that a unified approach based on the principles of system dynamics is used.


viability; ergatic system; structure of functioning; spatio-temporal characteristics; information flows; parametric geometrization


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