В. О. Рибак, М. Л. Ільченко


The paper deals with specific aspects of compiling modern terminological glossaries on aircraft design.

According to the task, the authors have considered modern lexicography trends, studied the classification and general structure of modern glossaries, in particular terminological ones, and specific aspects of compiling technical glossaries. As a result, a modern trilingval terminological glossary on aircraft design has been compiled. The glossary contains Ukrainian terms and definitions, their English equivalents and illustrations where it is appropriate.

Rapidly developing modern computer lexicography provides linguists with a series of methods and software tools for processing text information, which will be the basis for the compilation. It is owing to the computer technology that lexicographers have an opportunity to create electronic dictionaries and reference books of various types, including terminology, intended for relevant sectors of science and technology.

The terminological glossary compiled by the authors according to the task set consists of 700 lexical units on airplanes and belongs to definition-and-translation glossaries of technical terms.

In order to create a comprehensive term glossary on aircraft design the authors relied on the methods of conceptual and component analyses. In information science a conceptualization is an abstract simplified view of some selected part of the world, containing objects, concepts, and other entities that are presumed of interest for some particular purpose and the relationships between them. As a higher level of abstraction, a conceptualization facilitates the discussion and comparison of its various ontologies, facilitating knowledge sharing and reuse. Each ontology based upon the same overarching conceptualization maps the conceptualization into specific elements and their relationships.

The authors have investigated into the notion of concept as a minimum unit of knowledge representation. Thus, aircraft design becomes a central concept of the glossary. Other concepts-terms are included to the extent they are filiated to the central concept. To determine the adequacy of links between various concepts the authors have used frame theory rules. They insist that frame theory provides conceptual and procedural guidance for enhancing the cognitive and language development capability which in its turn is essential for compiling terminological glossaries.

The presented glossary is a comprehensive assembly of all relevant aspects and trends of aircraft design.

The glossary is a user’s dictionary integrated into ABBYY Lingvo x5 software that delivers a combination of trusted content, easy word look-up and flexible software. The users can look up word translations and usage examples, get conjugations for verbs, listen to pronunciation and create flash cards to memorize new words.

Besides, included into the ABBYY Lingvo Dictionary is the Tutor application that is of help when a person needs to learn and memorize new words on some topic.

The structure and content of the developed glossary are also determined by its communicative purpose. Thus, the Terminological Glossary on Aircraft Design is intended for aviation industry experts, foreign students (who attend lectures on aircraft design), translators of technical literature, teachers of English, readers of texts on aviation in English, and also for native English speakers who learn Ukrainian and/or Russian language and are interested in the aviation industry. The glossary also aims to help the users to work with professional literature in the field of aerodynamics of aircraft, as well as linguists-translators who work with technical texts on this topic.


scientific-educational text; English language for special purposes; concept; conceptualization; conceptual approach; aircraft industry; ABBYY Lingvo х5


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