Віктор Дмитрович Северин


The boundary of the XX–XXI centuries is characterized by active penetration of new information and digital technologies in the museum sphere, which greatly extends the information component of the museum exhibition. Actuality of the research can be explained by implementation of the growing requirements for the organization of the museum environment nowadays. It is impossible without using new technologies as they open new possibilities in the design of museum exhibitions. Multimedia means of information display are greatly used in modern museum practice because they help to present exposition and exhibition material more widely and to keep bright image in visitors’ memory. In the last decade of the XX century the so-called "multimedia" as a tool for managing communication has developed. This interactive systems provide exhibition with mobility, images, video, animation, computer graphics and text, language and high-quality sound. "Multimedia Design" is one of the most actively developed areas of design at present. It contains the practice  of artistic and technical preparation and submission of information on the basis of work with information sources and services, psychological criteria of aesthetic visual forms perception of information by a person. Multimedia in the museum project is a tool for delivering information to the visitor in an interesting form; a mechanism that enables us to use any number of completely different forms of information; a way to create all sorts of games, interactive entertainment and interaction. Visitors’ attention can be completely focused on the subject in the museums with rich, historically valuable exhibits. In this case the electronic tag to the object, an information box, or "dipping zones", which are separate from the museum exposition can be relevant. Museum’s Methodists can provide visitors with comfortable workstations and more educational game content for children’s audience that can include visual form of information. Interactive installations in the exhibition of scientific-technical, cognitive museums and informational centers can be used. Group visits can be provided with such multimedia solutions as individually marked film zones, interactive multitouch tables, mobile terminals, mazes, etc. When focusing on family visits with children museum exhibition can offer special areas according to the child’s growth, with the possibility of online interaction by touch, open and so on. The special role in technical and technological museums is given to interactivity. It provides advanced familiarity with exposure and helps to work with scientific and technical exhibits. Visitors can push buttons, pull levers, create events, watch live demonstrations or even participate in them. It gives people the opportunity to explore and discover the nature of things, not just by reading or hearing about them. Using multimedia technologies helps to expand the information component of the exhibition, to show the subject in the context of virtual space and to approve a new way of subject-spatial environment organizing.


object-spatial environment; museum exhibition; multimedia technology; information technology; communication


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