Лариса Сергіївна Тарасюк


Nowadays understanding and comprehension of the world-person fundamental relation is very important. The need to interpret one’s personal life, the world around us and one’s place in the world deeply penetrates human nature. Therefore, it is important to understand oneself, one’s mission and one’s reality. The search for knowledge is important because it raises the person above the commonplace, giving them defining lever related to life events. More important is understanding of what is happening around us. The purpose of the article is to comprehend world-person fundamental relation deeply; to view a person’s essence as an integral trinity: spirit, soul, body. Existence of world outlook is impossible outside a person. Hence there arises the interest in understanding of person’s nature and essence which is the subject of understanding in many sciences. World outlook is mainly focused on solution of worldperson fundamental relation. Central to the nature of the world outlook is the concept of being – world, which is usually perceived by people in different ways. It will not be an exaggeration to say that the person’s world is the same as their outlook. Person’s world is defined by the way and style of vital activity and the level of erudition, by the origin and socio-cultural environment. The idea of triplicity of our being deeply penetrates human conceptions of the world. Active Power (positive) and passive power (negative) have to be supplemented by the third power – neutralizing. Philosophical anthropology as one of the most important parts of philosophy, purposely explores person’s nature, considering the person as a whole trinity: spirit, soul, body. Even in everyday life these concepts are widely used, and unfortunately it is not easy to define them. That is why it is possible to reach different conclusions taking into account the fundamental principle of trinity. Thus, human nature is triune. Spiritual qualities strengthen the body of the soul. Attaching to the physical and following the call of the body make the soul rough and limit the possibility of implementation of its own purposes. Therefore, comprehending the fundamental relation of world outlook, it is important to take into consideration that speculations about person’s nature and existence are inseparably linked with the problem of life, death and immortality. The person is responsible for his/her choice in this world. In the integral approach to this issue it is important to consider the essence of the world outlook, including the following elements: ontology, epistemology, methodology, ethics, and the problem of person’s existence in the world.


world outlook; world; person; relations; integral trinity; spirit; soul; body


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