А. О. Гордеюк


The article analyzes the legal status of websites and domain names and scientific developments of scientists regarding the feasibility of determining them as independent objects of intellectual property.  

As follows from the analysis of national legislation, some certain gaps have been defined and the ways to eliminate them have been recommended in order to improve the legal regulation of websites and domain names. The position of scholars regarding defining websites and domain names as independent objects of intellectual property in the civil law has been considered reasonable and rational, as well as adding them to article 420 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, which specifies objects of intellectual property subject to legal protection in the state. There was a suggestion to adopt a special law, which should implement legal regulation of specific objects of intellectual property that are used only in virtual space, and will provide an effective system for protecting the rights of owners of websites and domain names.


website, domain name, Internet, digital environment, cyberspace


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