А. Ф. Баканова


This article is continuation of the series of articles, which are published in the magazine, devoted to consideration of the subject relating to the problem of reversibility of body state after withstanding the load of various intensity. Submitting a rather private section of scientific research, as well as in all other spheres of the scientific knowledge, caused by needs of society development, in order to solve the problem it is necessary to consider general laws of development of the material world that belongs to the category of philosophical knowledge.

It is possible to speak about the problem of exhaustion and recovery in any field of activity and in each of them there is the terminology by which certain regularities in the corresponding sphere of knowledge are expressed. If considered deeper, these regularities can be transferred into an absolutely other sphere of knowledge in which they are created in other terminological expressions, but submit to the general principles of analogy. In various options this term is treated as invariance, or isomorphism. However, they reflect the uniform generalized laws in all cases of interdependent relations of difficult morpho-functional formations with the environment. 

The given publication makes an attempt to generalize materials of previous series of publications and all available materials of other authors, who are engaged in this field of research. The current paper was discussed at the seminars of various level, by means of personal communication and through the exchange of the achievement results. The main purpose of the publication lies in aspiration of dissemination of knowledge in a wider range of people dealt with the problem. Not only individual achievements, but also broad generalization of the saved-up data of other authors are presented in the article.


exhaustion; chemostat; competitive relationship; models of «average person»; «collective photo»


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