М. О. Білостоцький, Я. М. Кунденко


The article is devoted to the study of the impact of Soviet totalitarian ideology on the formation of the national idea during the period of «ideological industrialization» in the USSR in the 1950 years XX centure. Study of problem of totalitarianism in ХХ century is the inalienable constituent of understanding of this dramatic period in history of humanity, in addition can be considered as an independent level in development of concept "totalitarianism". In recent year Ukraine experiences the important stage of forming of new democratically-legal society, creation of new political ideology, basis of that is an idea of national independence which proclaims the main task of protecting the interests of an individual and different nationalities within the multinational Ukrainian state. A new historical period that began in 1991 marks rapid development of processes of forming of democratic relations in all spheres of existence of our people. One of factors that complicate further development of Ukrainian society in earnest is a heavy ideological legacy of Soviet totalitarianism: great-power chauvinism and international conflicts related to the desire to extend the boundaries of the «Russian world» to post-Soviet independent states. Unfortunately, totalitarian ideologies continue to live even after the death of the political systems in which they appeared. This became the cause of modern social, political and military conflicts. That is why the study of the influence of Soviet totalitarian ideology today is an actual response to the «warning of history», which was abandoned by the tragic past of our Motherland. The choice of this topic for scientific research by the authors is due to the fact that in domestic historiography there are no generalizing works on the issues of socio-political life and the ideological realities of post-war Kharkov. In our time there is no doubt that Stalin’s ideological system was the basis of the entire political machine of the Soviet state. A post-war political reaction in the USSR became logical continuation of repressive politics of Stalinism, but exactly this period is characterized by an increase attention to the ideological and political questions. Herein there is essence of that epoch - twenty-four hours of «ideological industrialization» which was associated with the further development of communist ideology and the use of new opportunities for media propaganda to consolidate Soviet society. Strengthening of ideological control above society became one of leading directions of politics of party guidance of the USSR after completion Great Patriotic war. Soviet soldiers liberated the homeland and the countries of Europe from fascism and came home with the hope of weakening the Stalinist regime as a token of gratitude for the Victory.To neutralize aspiration of front-line soldiers and other public layers to the liberal changes and to tame the sprouts of «fermentation of minds», sovereignty opened out ideological campaigns. With the onset of the Cold War (the strengthening of the ideological opposition of the two political systems), the means against dissent was the propagation of Soviet values by the media in order to consolidate Soviet society. In the second half of the 1940’s a series of ideological resolutions of the Central Committee came out in the field of culture, art, literature, and science. Since 1948, the struggle against «low-worshipers» was supplemented with a campaign against «cosmopolites» and «Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists». Instead of the proclaimed slogans of moral and political unity in practice we see social disunity, formation of soil for intensifying of public and national conflicts. The similar phenomena conduced proceeding in the social and political system of municipal society to braking of process, interfered with the processes of economic and cultural renewal of Kharkiv and Ukraine, that resulted in a decline and stagnation of the socialistic system in general.


totalitarianism; ideology; national idea; «ideological industrialization»


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