Володимир Борисович Селевко


The collapse of socialist ideology, its principles and values has led to the changes in everyday sphere of modern Ukrainian society. After the proclamation of independence, the Ukrainian political elite and the national intelligentsia have determined a course on the revival of national traditions, as opposed to socialist culture, as class, supranational and suprareligious one. At the same time, the Ukrainian cultural space was under the influence of globalization processes. Both socialist and traditional notions of life and models of consumer culture started to be influenced by North American and Western European models that led to a kind of mental conflict. Therefore, the relevance of the given topic is to identify cultural, technical and ideological factors of the denial of both socialist and traditional culture of everyday life of Ukrainians and the distribution of samples of the western culture of everyday life among the Ukrainian population in the context of the declared Euro- Atlantic integration. The purpose of the work is to study the influence of material civilian achievements of Western civilization on changes in the culture of everyday life, as well as in the public consciousness of the Ukrainian community, and the definition of the origins of Euro-antagonistic integration processes, in particular. Traditional Ukrainian daily culture, despite the informational support of state figures and creative intelligentsia, was unable to find support either in cities or in villages. All this takes place against the background of the declared national-cultural revival and the hopes that the national cultural and everyday traditions will replace ideological, supranational, extra-religious socialist culture of everyday life. Distribution among the Ukrainian society of everyday practices and cultural forms of everyday life of the Western model is conditioned, firstly, by objective reasons, changes in perceptions of a person, individuality, freedom, freedom of choice that influenced the axiological basis of modern Ukrainians. First of all, it is a rise in the requirements for comfort, convenience and safety, the rejection of socialist asceticismт and the orientation not so much on consumption, but on possession. All these new values, aesthetic tastes and ideas about man and his life coincide completely with the way of life of people of Western civilization. This phenomenon is in harmony with the ideological principle of European humanism - anthropocentrism and liberalism. Second, subjectivity can be considered as a desire to high standards of household things and organization of living space. The process of borrowing households in Ukraine occurred earlier than the adoption of political ideas and values of Western civilization (human rights, private property, competition, etc.) in consciousness and behavior, therefore it can be said about separation of the culture of everyday life from political culture. That is, first of all external, material and living models were borrowed without the assimilation of the essential values of Western civilization. Conditionally, at the present stage, European values are borrowed and distributed through the formula: "Europe lives so well because its cultural values provide it." Therefore, it is a culture of life that can be considered as the origin of European integration of Ukrainian society, and the changes in the civilizational choice of Ukrainians are seen best of all in the culture of life, so it can be said about its steady westernization. It is necessary to indicate the value of advertising and cinema in the transformation of the way of life, life and leisure,  festive  culture,  hygiene,  family,  demographic  conditions   of  Western civilization.


everyday life; cultural receptions; globalization; westernization; eurointegration


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Вплив світової глобалізації на побутову культуру України.


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