Олена Медведь, Вікторія Рижкова


The article deals with the logical-linguistic parameters of a narrow-branch term system.

The main rationale for the systemic nature of terminology is the system of term-concept relationships: the place of the term in the term-system is determined by the place of the concept in the corresponding system of concepts. In logic, the conceptual system is considered as a set of concepts and relations between them, that is, at the specified level of organization of the term system we can define two basic system parameters: the presence of certain conceptual categories – the broadest in terms of meaning; conceptual connections between terms at the intra-categorical and inter-categorical levels.

On the verbal level, it is necessary to distinguish the following system-forming parameters: the structural typology of terms and their term-forming relationships.

Understanding the systemic system of the term system as a phenomenon of the dual logico-linguistic plan requires a clearer identification of the relationship between the logical and linguistic factors of its formation.


terminology, term, term system


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