Евгений Валериевич Вишнепольский, Дмитрий Викторович Павленко, Ярослав Викторович Двирнык


The analysis of the possibility of expanding the scope of selective laser sintering technology has been made for the production of parts of short-range gas turbine aircraft engines due to the strengthening of stress concentration points by local plastic deformation by diamond smoothing. The technical, economic, and social effects of the application of this technology have been considered.

The stress-strain state of complex-shaped thin-walled parts such as a disk and a monowheel of a short-life aircraft engine during their manufacture according to the traditional techniques from the compact materials VT8 and INCONEL 718 and according to the alternative technology from the materials Ti45Al3Nb (SLS) and INCONEL 718 (SLS)has been calculated and studied. The analysis of stress fields in stress concentration zones is carried out. Estimates are obtained from the static strength reserves of these parts during delamination and rupture of the force layers. A comparison of the obtained reserves of static strength for various places of stress concentration of parts made of compact and non-compact materials has been performed.

The effectiveness of the use of alternative technology has been estimated by calculating the unit cost of production in mass production with a production program of 1000 pcs. The economic effect of the use of selective laser sintering and hardening technology in the manufacture of a part of a disk made of INCONEL 718 non-compact material (SLS) is estimated in comparison with the basic technology for the production of a part made of INCONEL 718 compact material in mass production. The comparison of the required capital investments for basic and alternative technology is carried out. The impact of alternative technology on the social and environmental spheres of human life has been assessed.

Conclusions have been drawn about the prospects of introducing the technology of local plastic deformation by diamond smoothing to expand the scope of using SLS in the production of parts for the domestic aviation and aerospace industries and society, as well as its potential for other industries.


non-compact materials; selective laser sintering; diamond smoothing; margin of static strength; cost price; capital investments


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