Павло Романович Тришин, Наталя Вікторівна Гончар, Кирило Олександрович Терещенко


Finishing of waveguides (sharp edges blunting, burrs removal, polishing of welding or soldering of the duct and flanges) is carried out in order to eliminate all surface damages that are formed from previous operations and give it the necessary roughness, which affects the amount of active power loss. In most cases of complex spatial shape rectangular waveguides with angled welded transitions, the finishing of the duct is performed manually or by means of small mechanization. An alternative to the finishing of waveguide duct is anode-abrasive vibration honing, abrasive-extrusion processing, processing on special grinding machines, hydro-abrasive pumping. These methods are low productivity, require complex equipment, washing treated surfaces, and are applied only to straight waveguides or those that have a smooth flexion. Preliminary researches of polishing the waveguide duct with a polymer-abrasive brush have shown good results in terms of roughness, performance and electrical parameters.To automate finishing of the waveguides that have simple form or one simple rectangular flexion, it was proposed to perform it on a horizontal CNC milling machine. For processing of waveguides two types of polymer-abrasive brushes of Osborne firm were consistently applied: internal and end brushes. Processing involved polishing duct in welding seam spots and a flange, burrs removal immediately after processing on the same machine on which milling of flanges of waveguides was carried out.Also for mechanization of finishing the complex designed waveguides (more than one flexion) it is offered to replace operation of consecutive manual polishing by small mechanization of polishing on special equipment. The trajectory of the tool was provided by a copier.This device also provides the preset tightness automatically and ability to adjust it as the tool wears out. As a result of the improvement in finishing, the manual polishing of the waveguide was completely removed, and the geometry and roughness of the duct were significantly improved. The development of special equipment has significantly (3…5 times) reduced time and human impact on machining accuracy.


rectangular angled waveguide; finishing; automation; polymer-abrasive brush; polishing the welding spots


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