Ван Зионг Нгуен, Александр Витальевич Белогуб


The paper deals with the study of the influence of the working process parameters of the two-stroke opposed piston engine like D100 (20.7/2×25.4), especially the heat exchange between the working substance and the wall of the combustion chamber (CC) – cylinder and pistons on temperature and stress-strain state of the piston. To make an estimation of the effect of a working process on the boundary condition we considered the internal heat balance and specific features of gas dynamic loading of main parts of the cylinder-piston group. To calculate the temperature fields, the actual boundary conditions of non-stationary thermal loading were replaced with the equivalent steady-state ones, obtained from the condition that the amount of heat perceived by the piston surface in real and conditionally equivalent processes are equal. Equivalent parameters of heat transfer are calculated by the condition of conservation of the amount of heat passing through the walls of the CS. It was performed the validation of the calculation of equivalent heat exchange parameters. It is shown that in case of an error in specifying the initial conditions, for example, temperature per 100K, the temperature of the piston CC surface may change by 5K in the first 5 operating cycles. It is shown that the developed model of the workflow can be adjusted according to the available experimental data and used to model the boundary conditions. The authors made corrections to the dependence obtained by prof. Rosenblit, to determine the current heat transfer coefficient from the working fluid to the walls of the CC by the total heat removal for the cycle, equal to 20%. It was obtained the average coefficient of heat transfers from the working fluid to the piston and the temperature of the cycle for the nominal mode, which are 3500 W/(m2•K) and 835 K respectively. It was carried out the simulation of the thermal properties of the gap between the piston ring and the groove filled with combustion products. It is shown that the conditions of heat transfer through annular grooves and rings require clarification in modeling, which is associated with the conditions of heat transfer in the gaps, and the gap can be replaced by a gasket with appropriate thermal properties.


diesel engine; heat transfer coefficient; piston; combustion chamber


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