Майя Владимировна Амброжевич, Михаил Анатольевич Шевченко


The basic thermophysical parameter of the working fluid of all thermal machines without exception is isobaric heat capacity (specific heat at constant pressure). Traditionally, in engineering calculations of isobaric heat capacity are determined as a tabular value for average heat capacities, or approximated with a square parabola within a given temperature range. Isobaric heat capacity is a function of temperature only. At the current level of GTE development, when the overall compressor pressure ratio is already up to 50 and the tendency of its increase remains it is unacceptable to neglect the pressure. However, the turbine inlet gas temperature also rises that will inevitably lead to the effect of thermal dissociation in the combustion products of the gas turbine engine. The studies of the thermal dissociation effect influence on the parameters of the working process of advanced GTE show that this ignoring leads to computational errors. At the present time, there are mathematical models that allow calculating the isobaric heat capacity as a function of temperature and pressure (taking into account the effect of thermal dissociation) but they are laborious, which is not always practical when estimate calculations performing and program algorithms writing. Consequently, the authors posed the problem of obtaining of simple analytic relationships that make it possible to calculate the isobaric heat capacity as a function of temperature and pressure (taking into account the effect of thermal dissociation). Based on the tabular data for the main components of the gas turbine combustion products within a given range of pressures and temperatures (nitrogen: p = 1 ... 200 bar, T = 150 ... 2870 K, oxygen: p = 1 ... 200 bar, T = 210 ... 2870 K, argon: p = 1 ... 200 bar, T = 190 ... 1300 K, the water vapor: p = 0.1 ... 200 bar, T = 640 ... 1250 K and p = 0.1 ... 400 bar and T = 1250 ... 3200 K, carbon dioxide: p = 1 ... 200 bar, T = 390 ... 2600 K), analytical dependencies were obtained for the calculation of isobaric heat capacities as functions of temperature and pressure taking into account the effect of thermal dissociation. The results of the calculations were compared with tabulated experimental data.


isobaric heat capacity (specific heat at constant pressure); combustion products of GTE; thermal dissociation; influence of pressure; conversion of two-dimensional arrays in an analytic function of two variables


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