Денис Александрович Немченко, Тарас Петрович Михайленко, Илья Иванович Петухов


Currently, in connection with the creation of aircraft engines of new generations, as well as increasing requirements for the efficiency of their design and development processes, more attention is paid to the creation of a software and computing complex with respect to the thermal and hydraulic processes in the GTE oil system. In the development of modern aircraft engines, special attention is paid to increasing the resource, reducing the mass and dimensions of the engine. Conditions for the long-term operation of the gas turbine engine cause specific requirements for individual elements and their oil systems. Effective development of a new generation of gas turbine engines is largely ensured by the introduction of automated engine oil system design systems. Increasing the efficiency of gas turbine engines and the development of new technologies in propulsion engineering inevitably sets the task of oil systems improving. A promising direction is the creation of a software and computer complex with respect to the thermal and hydraulic processes in the GTE oil system. When designing the GTE oil system, it becomes necessary to calculate the exact oil consumption and pressure losses in the pipelines, calculate the heat exchange between the oil and the elements of the lubrication system, calculate the critical flow regimes in the pipelines and local resistances. The task was to create an adequate software and computer complex for the calculation of thermal hydraulic processes applied to the GTE oil system, depending on the influence of key parameters. On its basis in the future, a thermal model of the oil system will be constructed, which will allow to determine the thermal state of the oil and the support elements of the GTE rotor. In the future, the software and computing complex will be adapted for the calculation of two-phase fluid flow, namely oil and air. Studies in the presented areas require theoretical approaches to solving problems, the use of modern software packages for conducting numerical experiments and the availability of a bench base. The article shows the structure of the software and computing complex with respect to the thermal and hydraulic processes in the GTE oil system.


gas turbine engine; oil system; oil and air mixture; thermal and hydraulic processes; software and computer complex


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