Татьяна Сергеевна Бойко


The design resource of the airframe structure is assigned in the number of generalized typical flights or flight hours for all aircraft of the park. Both in the design and in the operational phases, the parameters of typical flight profiles serve as initial data for substantiating the design, accumulated or residual resources of the structural elements. An analysis of the load conditions of the transport category airplanes shows that even airplanes of the same type can have a completely different operating history. The projected typical flight profiles do not always correspond to the actual tasks performed by a particular aircraft. In addition, the operator does not have an explicit definition of the concept of a generalized type of flight. The question of the actual loads on the aircraft becomes particularly relevant at the stage of making a decision on the possible extension of the resource or the cancellation of the aircraft. The creation of modifications also requires the specification of the resource characteristics of the structure at the design stage. Definitely, such tasks are solved by the systems for monitoring the loads on the aircraft and onboard resource counters. The modern airplanes are equipped with this equipment. This study gives an estimation to the outmode park of transport category aircraft operating in Ukraine this year. It is proposed for the first time the method of determining the parameters of typical flight profiles according to the aircraft log-books and engines, as well considering the requirements of the flight manual of the considered type of transport aircraft. The algorithm for calculating the operation characteristics of the aircraft park was developed. The statistical analysis of the data of the Il-76T (TD) aircraft log-books was carried out in order to identify correlative dependencies on the duration of performed flights and relative operating time between some aircraft of the park. Recommendations are given for estimation the operating history of a specific aircraft and aircraft park. The obtained results in the future will serve as initial data for calculating the loads' influence on the aircraft during its operation, as well as for evaluating the accumulated and residual life of the transport category aircraft structure


type flight profile; form; relative flight time; operation


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