Богдан Сергійович Портной, Андрій Миколайович Радченко, Роман Миколайович Радченко, Сергій Анатолійович Кантор


The processes of air cooling at the gas turbine unit inlet by absorption lithium-bromide chiller have been analyzed. The computer programs of firms-producers of heat exchangers were used for the gas turbine unit inlet air cooling processes simulation. The absorption lithium-bromide chiller refrigeration capacity reserve (the design heat load excess over the current heat loads) generated at the reduced current heat loads on the air coolers at the gas turbine unit inlet in accordance with the lowered ambient air parameters has been considered. The absorption lithium-bromide chiller refrigeration capacity reserve is expedient to use at increased heat load on the air cooler. To solve this problem the refrigeration capacity required for cooling air at the gas turbine unit inlet has been compared with the excessive absorption lithium-bromide chiller refrigeration capacity exceeding current heat loads during
July 2017.

The scheme of gas turbine unit inlet air cooling system with using the absorption lithium-bromide chiller refrigeration capacity reserve has been proposed. The proposed air cooling system provides gas turbine unit inlet air precooling in the air cooler booster stage by using the absorption lithium-bromide chiller excessive refrigeration capacity. The absorption chiller excessive refrigeration capacity generated during decreased heat loads on the gas turbine unit inlet air cooler is accumulated in the thermal storage. The results of simulation show the expediency of the gas turbine unit inlet air cooling by using the absorption lithium-bromide chiller refrigeration capacity reserve, which is generated at reduced thermal loads, for the air precooling in the air cooler booster stage. This solution provides the absorption lithium-bromide chiller installed (designed) refrigeration capacity and cost reduction by almost 30%. The solution to increase the efficiency of gas turbine unit inlet air cooling through using the absorption chiller excessive refrigeration potential accumulated in the thermal storage has been proposed.


cooling; waste heat recovery chiller; air; heat load; refrigeration capacity reserve


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